Sprue Cutters' Union
Will Pattison, Tracy Hancock and Chris Meddings dive deep into the how and why of modelling, asking the in-depth questions and interviewing the most interesting modellers from around the world and engaging with the theory and philosophies of modelling.- Plus toilet humour and dick jokes - contact the show : spruecuttersunion@gmail.com - Please visit our sponsors! - ANYZ.io - SMS Paints Https://www.scalemodeller.com.au/ - or - https://smspaints.co.uk/ - Tetra Modelworks - tetramodel.com - Inside the Armour Publications - www.insidethearmour.com - Music (C) Lemonmusicstudio
Sprue Cutters' Union
Episode 56: Herpaderpaderpaderp, feat. Chris Jerrett
The Sprue Cutters Union
Season 2
Episode 56
In this Episode, Will, Cracy, and Triss interview the phenomenally talented Chris Jerrett and talk armour modelling, mountain biking and bespoke time zones.
Chris's socials
instagram chris_jerrett_models._
The debate about the state of social media modelling rumbles on, and we dive into the mailbag.
Contact the show: spruecuttersunion@gmail.com
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Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's blog